"Religious Liberty"

White House aims for Thursday signing of "religious liberty" executive order

White House aims for Thursday signing of "religious liberty" executive order

President Donald Trump has invited conservative leaders to the White House on Thursday for what they expect will be the ceremonial signing of a long-awaited—and highly controversial—executive order on religious liberty, according to multiple people familiar with the situation.

New Report: Religious Accommodation Cannot Come at the Expense of Others' Rights

New Report: Religious Accommodation Cannot Come at the Expense of Others' Rights

The Leadership Conference Education Fund has released its report, Striking a Balance: Advancing Civil and Human Rights While Preserving Religious Liberty, documenting the use of religious arguments to oppose the abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage and equality, racial integration, inter-racial marriage, immigration, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the right to collectively bargain. Striking a Balance also examines the current legal and political landscape in which religious exemptions are being used to deny civil and human rights, including LGBT equality.

Indiana Republicans Introduce Anti-LGBT Rights Bill

Indiana Republicans Introduce Anti-LGBT Rights Bill

The bill, which will be known as Senate Bill 100, does add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the state’s nondiscrimination laws as it claims to. However, it expends far more words to limit the extent of those protections, making them all but worthless to most plaintiffs. 

LGBT advocates are 2-for-2 in fighting religious freedom laws.

LGBT advocates are 2-for-2 in fighting religious freedom laws.

“LGBT rights advocates say it's too soon to tell whether the so-called religious freedom debate -- which has been simmering politically ever since the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide -- is going to be the next legal battle on the LGBT frontier. But it's certainly possible.

Here's Why LGBT Equality Must Be About More Than the U.S.

Here's Why LGBT Equality Must Be About More Than the U.S.

"In more than 75 countries worldwide, you can be arrested simply on the basis of your sexual orientation. These countries have a collective population of over 3 billion -- nine times the number of people living in the U.S. and almost 43 percent of the world's population. In eight of those countries, it's perfectly legal to be sentenced to death for being gay or lesbian."

Image Credit: The Daily Beast